Workshop: Analisis Teknis dan Ekonomis Menggunakan Listrik Tenaga Surya

Is solar panel system a good investment for your business?

Next Date: August 2016 (two days)

Location: Permata Kuningan Bld; 17th Floor, Jl. Kuningan Mulia Kav. 9 Kawasan Bisnis Epicentrum, HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan Indonesia

In this workshop we will answer all your questions:

  • What is solar panel system?
  • Which system is good for you?
  • How you can save money?
  • Who can install the system for you?

Workshop will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia

Register by contacting Devi at or call 08577 354 6655


Amran Muhamad

  • Solar Gold Certified Installer, Australia Solar Council
  • Certified Designer and Installer, Clean Energy Council Australia
  • Technical Director, PT. Sinergi Elektrik Indonesia

Arthur Panggabean

  • Founder, Australia Indonesia Quality Solar Collaboration
  • Energy consultant in Western Australia

